I'm no fan of Dan Snyder, but his Red Zebra Radio has started a sports radio station in VAB. It's at 102.1 on the FM Dial.
Thank heavens.
Anything to offer an alternative to the horrible ESPN Station here. If you thought regular ESPN Radio programming was unlistenable (*cough* Cowherd *cough*), you can't even imagine how amazingly podunk the local afternoon guy is on the radio. Oh yeah, and in like most small market, he's also the PD or GM or some other such title.
Folks here can now hear, without listening to an internet stream, the wacky Bram Weinstein (formerly on WTEM in DC) and the amazingly irreverent John Riggins (Redskins great, who used to host a show on the Sirius NFL Channel). Riggo's show includes former TK sidekick Gary "Big Time" Braun, as well as another former WTEM guy, Kevin Sheehan.